Staff & Personnel In Food Technology

Staff & Personnel In Food Technology
Department Overview

Adebowale Olalekan Jimi

Senior Lecturer

BSc., MSc. (Food Science & Technology), MEd. (Educational Evaluation)


Senior Lecturer|BSc., MSc. (Food Science & Technology), MEd. (Educational Evaluation)




Food Technology


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Sensory and consumer’s food acceptability, Adding value to Root, Tuber and Banana (RTB) Crops, Food product development using less utilised cereals and legumes

Awards & Honours

Federal Polytechnic Ilaro /Tetfund long-term study leave under the academic staff training and development scheme to pursue Doctoral programmme in Food Science at the University of Pretoria, South Africa (January, 2016-December, 2018).

Conference attendance sponsorship by the Cereal & Malt Industry, South Africa to “Sorghum in the 21st Century” Conference in Cape Town, South Africa. 9-12 April, 2018.

Runner-up (2nd position) in oral presentation at “Sorghum in the 21st Century” conference in Cape Town, South Africa. 9-12 April, 2018.

Selected Publications

Oladele, A.K., Adebowale, O.J and Bamidele, O.P. (2017). Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of brown and yellow varieties of Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus L.). Nigeria Food Journal, 35(1): 51-59. Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST). http://www.ajol/info/journals/nifoj

Oluwaseun P. Bamidele, Mofoluwaso B. Fasogbon, Olalekan J. Adebowale, Adeyemi A. Adeyanju and B. Olawoye. (2017). Blanching time, effect on total phenolic, mineral content and antioxidant activities of selected Green Leafy Vegetables in Nigeria. Current Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology, 24(4): 1-8. doi: 10.9734/CJAST/2017/34808

Adebowale, O.J and Olakunle M. Komolafe. (2017). Effect of supplementation with defatted-coconut paste on proximate composition, physical and sensory qualities a maize-based snack. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology. Published by Taylor & Francis Ltd., 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T, U.K.ISSN: 1542-8052print/1542-8044online.

Akoja, S.S., Adebowale, O.J., Makanjuola, O.M and Salaam, H.A. (2017). Functional properties, nutritional and sensory qualities of maize-based snack (Kokoro) supplemented with protein hydrolysate prepared from Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) seed. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 15(4): 306-319.Published by Taylor & Francis Ltd., 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T, U.K.ISSN: 1542-8052print/1542-8044online.ISSN: 1542-8052print/1542-8044online.

Adebowale, O.J., Salaam, H. A., Komolafe, O.M., Adebiyi, T. A. and Ilesanmi, I. O. (2017). Quality Characteristics of Noodles Produced from Wheat flour and Modified Starch of African Breadfruit(Artocarpusaltilis) Blends. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology. 15(1): 75-88. Published by Taylor & Francis Ltd., 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T, U.K.ISSN: 1542-8052print/1542-8044online.

Adebiyi, T.A., Adebowale, O.J. and Agwu, E. (2016). Development and evaluation of functional biscuit from cassava and soymilk residue flour blends. Nigeria Journal of Nutritional Science, 37(2): 9-17.  Published by the Nutritional Society of Nigeria.

Adebowale, O.J., Salaam, H.A., Umar, B.F. and Komolafe, O.M. (2014). Fractionation and some conditions on the extractability of Tropical Almond (Terminaliacatapa) seed protein. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 2(3): 165-169. Published by Enviro Research Publisher, Modhya Pradesh, India. ISSN: 2347-467X, Online ISSN: 2322-0007.

Adebowale, O.J.,Salaam, H.A. and Agboola, O.A. (2014). Comparative Physico chemical Composition of Natural Honey collected from Traditional Bee-breeders in Ogun State. Journal of Biological Sciences & Bioconservation, 6(2): 31-40. ISSN: 2277-0143. Published by Centre for Research and Innovations, Nigeria.

Adebowale, Olalekan, Ajayi, Adebola and Ibikunle, Titilayo . (2013). Quality Assessment of Biscuits from Green plantain (Musa paradisiaca) and African Breadfruit (Treculia africana) flours. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 11(4): 336-345. Published by Taylor & Francis Ltd., 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T, U.K. ISSN: 1542-8052print/1542-8044online.

Ajayi, A.,Sokeye, O. K., Umar, B. F and Adebowale,O. J.(2012). Influence of Alkaline-cooking on the Proximate composition and Functional properties of theunder-utilized seed of oil bean (Hexalobus crispiflorus) flour. Journal of Medical and Applied Biosciences, 4: 67-77. Published by Centre for Research and Innovations, Nigeria.

Conferences Attended

Olalekan J., Adebowale, John R.N., Taylor and Herientte L., de Kock. (2018). Effect of roasting time on phenolic concentration, antioxidant activity and colour of their flour. ‘Sorghum in the 21st century conference’. Theme: Food, Feed and Fuel for a Rapidly Changing World. Century city conference center, Cape Town, South Africa. 9-12 April, 2018.        

Bamidele, O.P and Adebowale, O.J. (2017). Effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) flour addition on the nutritional composition and functional properties of sorghum-composite flour blends. In: Book of Readings of the 3rd National Conference of the Schools of Pure &Applied Science and Communication & Information Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria. 5-7 December, 2017.

Adebowale, O.J. and Adeboye,S.A. (2016). Towards Towards the Production of Nutritionally Enhanced Kokoro: Effect of Defatted-Coconut Meal on Proximate and Sensory Qualities. In: Proceedings of the 40th Conference & Annual General Meeting  of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology. Kano, Nigeria.

Ajayi, A, Aiyeleye, F.B. and Adebowale, O.J.(2015). Effect of dehydration methods on the proximate and functional properties of tomato  powder. In: Proceedings of the 29th EFFoST Conference. Food Science Research and Innovation: Edited by Dr. Efimia Dermesonlouoglou, Dr. Virginia Giannou, Dr. Eleni Gogou and Prof. P. Taoukis. Athens, Greece. Pp.822-824. Available at

Ajayi, A, Aiyeleye, F.B., Makanjuola,O.M and Adebowale, O.J. (2015). Effect of drying methods on the proximate composition, mineral contents and functional properties of plantain flour In: Proceedings of the 29th EFFoST Conference. Food Science Research and Innovation:Edited by Dr. Efimia Dermesonlouoglou, Dr. Virginia Giannou, Dr. Eleni Gogou and Prof. P. Taoukis.Athens, Greece. Pp. 846-848. Available at

Adebowale, O.J.,Salaam, H.A, Ilesanmi, I.O and Talabi,  O.A. (2015). Characteristics of Noodles produced from wheat flour and modifiedstarch of African Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)Blends. In: Book of Readings of the 3rd National Conference of the School of Applied Science, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.

Makanjuola, O.M., Adebowale, O.J., Ajayi, A and Noah, A.A. (2014). Physical, Proximate and Sensory Qualities of defatted Coconut flour composite Biscuits. In: Proceedings of the 38th Conference & Annual General Meeting  of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology. Edited by Abu et al. Lagos Sheraton Hotels, Lagos. Pp. 74-75.

Adebowale, O.J., Salaam, H.A and Obarayi, O.M. (2013). Physicochemical properties of some commercially produced natural honey in Ogun State. In: Book of Extended Abstract for the 37th Annual Conference & general Meeting of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology.Edited by Shittu, T., Uzomah, A and Ogunmoyela, O.A.B. International Conference Centre, Abuja, Nigeria. 185-186.

9. Adebowale, O.J.,Salaam, H.A. and Oladipupo, O. (2013). Fractionation and some conditions on

the Extractability of Tropical Almond (Terminaliacatapa) seed protein. In: Book of Readings of the 2nd National Conference of the School of Applied Science. Edited by Olugbemi, O.S., Okoye, C.U. and Oyede,R.T. Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. Pp. 5-10.

10. Salaam, H.A., Adebowale, O.J., Mohammed, O.A. and Adeniran, R.A. (2013). Studies on

nutrient composition, Microbiological and sensory Qualities of Fermented maize flour fortified with Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). In: Book of readings of the 2nd National Conference of the School of Applied Science. Edited by Olugbemi, O.S., Okoye, C.U. and Oyede, R.T. Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. Pp. 59-67

Summary of Profile

Adebowale, Olalekan holds first and second degrees in Food Science and Technology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. he joined the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro as Lecturer I in the Department of Food Technology. He was appointed as the Departmental Examination Officer, a post he held for 8 years without any form of misconduct. As a lecturer, he was involved in teaching, supervising students’ projects and research. He has been a participant of the Step-B World Bank Project for the upgrading of facilities in Food Processing and Engineering workshops. He also participated in some TETFUND-sponsored projects in the department. He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) and the South African Association of Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST). He has many publications in peer-reviewed journals both in Nigeria and overseas. He is a reviewer of some journals. Presently, he is a Doctoral candidate at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

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